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La Primavera - Sun Angels Gardens

Reserve: Sun Angel's Gardens
Location: La Primavera
Size: 7400 hectares
Elevation: 950 - 2400 m.a.s.l.

The Sun Angel’s Gardens (Jardines del Angel del Sol) is a Conservation Concession run by La Asociacion de Productores Agropecuarias La Primavera (APALP), an association created in 2007 by people of La Primavera, Rodriguez de Mendoza in Amazonas department. The aim of the association is to promote sustainable agriculture and conservation of their surrounding forests. After seeing first-hand the devastation caused by unsustainable slash and burn agriculture, the association has started producing certified organic coffee and is trying to incorporate reforestation into old harvest sites.

Since 1988 the area has been unofficially protected by a dedicated group of villagers. In 2009, with the help of NPC, APALP applied for official recognition from the national government and a concession to manage the area for conservation. This classification means that the land is owned by the state but will be managed by APALP for 40 years, after which they can apply for an extension of another 40 years. By protecting this area APAL aim to ensure clean and safe water resources, protect biodiversity, control the hunting of wild animals, promote environmental awareness, and generate sustainable income through ecotourism – all with the participation of members of the community.

The geographical complexity of the Sun Angel’s Gardens includes high mountains and deep valleys, allowing for a dizzying array of wildlife and habitats in a small area. As well as being incredibly bio-diverse, this area is home to many rare, endemic or endangered species of birds and mammals. There are four species of birds endemic to the tropical Andes hot-spot: the endangered Royal Sun Angel humming bird (HeliÁngelus regalis), the vulnerable Johnson’s Tody-Tyrant (Poecilotricus luluae ), the Rusty-tinged Antpitta (Grallaria przewalskii) and the Black-bellied Tanager Ramphocelus melanogaster). Also found are the endemic Andean night monkey (Aotus miconax) and endangered White-bellied spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth).

"I arrived here for the first time in 1988, and started to walk around in the forests. Here I discovered virgin forests teeming with life. I was very sad to see it increasingly vanishing. I decided to find groups that would join with me to protect these places, but so far I have been unable to find any help or guidance. But it's still not too late. We have a small group of people and we have a connection with an organization that is helping us to acquire the land permit for a preserve, and we are on the right track. I am very grateful and pleased."

- Manuel Chavez - Local resident and initiator of the nature reserve.



The village La Primavera can be reached from the town Chachapoyas. A car must be taken from Chachapoyas to Rodriguez de Mendoza, then from there to Nueva Chirimoto, and finally 20 minutes further to the town La Unión. A guide will then meet you in La Unión to guide the way on a 2 hour hike to La Primavera.